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Holiday Decorating with Found, Vintage, and DIY Objects

One of the things I love most about holiday decorating is using objects from around the house to create different vignettes. It challenges me to get creative and – bonus – it’s free!

After Dad passed away, I kept the cards along with a number of other cherished mementos. When I unpacked them this year, I thought they would be wonderful to display on a clipboard I have in my office. They are utterly charming!

I love the retro vibe and how well the colors have held up after so many years.

This adorable chipmunk is a favorite.

And the faces on the snow family are so perfectly vintage. Mrs. Snowperson’s pocket book is just the right touch.

And then there’s this classic red and green card with bells, candles, and poinsettias – so festive!

The clipboard forms the background for the decor. In front of it, I added a bowl purchased on clearance after last Christmas. I can’t resist a holiday bargain! I filled the bowl with small wrapped packages for interest and depth. The packages are just empty boxes I wrap and use for display.

On the other side of the bowl, I added a couple more of my favorite plush decorations – another snowman and this cute penguin on skis. They’re complemented by a small package wrapped in craft paper and tied with an organza ribbon.

It’s just enough to add some holiday charm to this area of the office (aka Santa’s workshop), and a fun way to use what I already have.

So, if you’re looking for a way to sprinkle some Christmas magic into more parts of your home, start by going through closets, boxes, and drawers! You may just find the ideal “something” you forgot you had and transform it into the perfect holiday decoration.

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