We love our pets. They’re part of the family and we adore having them by our sides. What we don’t love is the mess they often drag into the house.
If you’re a pet owner, you know what I’m talking about: muddy paws, pet hair tumbleweed, that awesome “I need a bath” smell. Yes, we love our pets, but we also love a clean, fresh house.
Can we have both? Yes, we can! All it takes is following some handy tips.
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1. Groom Your Pet

Believe it or not, keeping your pet groomed helps quite a bit. It reduces the amount of fur, dander, dirt, and pet odor in your house, making it a more pleasant place to be.
The amount of grooming depends on your pet (we’re mainly talking cats and dogs here). The breed, size, and lifestyle of the pet are all factors in determining how much grooming is needed and how frequently. Long-haired breeds, for example, generally require more brushing. Pets that spend a lot of time outdoors may need more regular bathing, especially if they like to dig holes and lounge around in the dirt.
Our dogs benefit from a monthly bath in the summer months and daily brushing. Our Siberian Husky needs de-shedding (with a Furminator, featured below) multiple times a day when she’s blowing her coat…it’s an unimaginable amount of fur. During the winter months, they don’t require as much. Weekly brushing does the trick when it’s cold outside.
Whatever your pet’s unique grooming needs are, keeping up with it helps keep things clean, so do it!
Highly-Rated Grooming Tools:
2. Wipe Muddy Paws

This is a must-do in our house, especially in springtime, which is also known as mud season. I keep a towel by our back door and wipe down the doggie paws before they come into the house.
I also have a large indoor-outdoor rug just inside the back door for extra protection. Any residual mud on their paws (and there’s always some) will get on the rug before the dogs can drag it through the rest of the house. I let the mud dry and then vacuum it up. If you try to clean mud on a rug when it’s still wet, you risk creating a bigger mess.
Muddy Paw Helpers:
3. Keep Lint Rollers Handy
I live by this tip! No matter how much we brush our pets, there’s going to be pet hair. It’s just part of the deal.
Make things easy on yourself and get some of those super sticky lint rollers. These are the kind that look like big sheets of masking tape and come on a roll with a handle. Keep one in the rooms of your house that see the most pet action (which may be every room). It’s a great way to do a quick hair removal on upholstery, bedding, and your clothes.
For those that prefer a reusable version, they make those, too, like the Chom Chom roller shown below.
Highly-Rated Lint Rollers:
4. Give Everything a Wash

Does Fido have a favorite blankie or bed? How about an old sock or plush toy that gets toted around and chewed on daily? I’ll bet those items can get pretty ripe.
The smell comes from bacteria that builds up on the fabrics. It gets into the weave and gives off that distinctive pet aroma. To keep your house from smelling like a kennel, be sure to wash bedding, blankets, and toys regularly.
The same goes for hard toys, like Kongs. They may not be fabric, but they still harbor germs and bacteria. Give those a regular cleaning, too. Hot water and mild dish soap will do the trick. Rinse items thoroughly after washing, and, as always, stay away from any chemical cleaners.
Highly-Rated Pet Beds:
5. Toss It Out
Sometimes you just need to throw things away. When a toy has been gutted of all its stuffing and chewed till it’s threadbare, it’s probably time for the trash can.
The same goes for hard rubber and plastic toys your pet has gnawed into oblivion. If the toy has developed sharp edges or your pet is biting small pieces off, you run the risk of pet injury or choking. Damaged toys can also create a mess in the house. It’s best to replace these items with something new, clean, and safe.
Highly-Rated Pet Toys:
6. Cover Your Furniture
While we don’t allow our dogs on the furniture, we know a lot of people do. If you like having your pet snuggle with you on the couch or your favorite chair, be sure to cover it. This helps prevent pet hair, dirt, and odors from transferring onto the fabric. It also helps prevent scratches and tears from cat and dog claws.
Pet blankets are perfect for this need, and many come specially-designed for couches and chairs. Other options include old blankets, towels, and sheets. The latter may not look all that stylish, but they’ll do the trick. Just remember to launder these items regularly (see tip #4)!
Highly-Rated Furniture Covers:
7. Choose Performance Fabrics

Even when you don’t allow your pets on the furniture, it’s hard to keep them from rubbing up against it, as is the case in our house. Choosing fabrics that resist staining and odors helps simplify your cleaning routine.
Sunbrella started the performance fabric craze and continues to be a great choice, but there are lots of options nowadays. We purchased a FlexSteel sofa for my office a couple of years ago and selected one of their performance fabric options, which has been wonderful. It’s durable, resistant to liquids and fading, super easy to clean, and PFAS-free.
Other fabrics recommended for pet owners include leather, microfiber, and canvas for their durability and ease of cleaning. Some pros even recommend velvet (though I’m not sure that would be my first choice as a pet owner).
8. Clean Accidents Right Away

Accidents happen, so just be prepared and clean them up right away. If you’re training a puppy, there’s bound to be a piddle accident. Other times pets may ingest something that gives them a tummy ache, or they may be sick from a virus or infection.
If your pet has an accident, clean it up as quickly as possible, especially if it’s on a textile like a rug or couch cushion, or on a hardwood floor. Addressing the mess quickly helps prevent it from seeping in where it can settle and become difficult to remove.
If there’s a pile, scrape it up gently with something stiff, like a putty knife or a piece of cardboard. Then proceed to clean the stain underneath. When working on textiles, always blot – never rub – the accident area. Rubbing can force the mess deeper into the fibers.
Highly-Rated Stain & Odor Removers:
9. Clean House Regularly
This goes without saying, but sticking to a weekly cleaning routine will serve you well. Regular vacuuming, mopping, and dusting keeps dirt and odors away.
It also ensures hidden accidents are discovered before they become permanent issues. My dad’s golden retriever – one of the sweetest dogs ever – started urinating on the corner of a large wool rug in the formal living room. To this day, we have no idea why. Dad, not being a diligent housekeeper and rarely using this room, didn’t discover the problem till sometime much later. Sadly, the damage was irreversible. Even sadder is that it could have been avoided with a keen eye and regular cleaning…argh!
You could say pets are a bit like kids: we need to clean up after them and attend to their hygiene. Doing so makes it is possible to have pets and a clean house – the best of both worlds. Follow these tips and your pet-friendly home will shine!