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Healthy and Warm Winter Sippers

When it’s cold outside, we crave warm drinks to stave off chills and warm us on the inside. We also want something healthy, especially after the holidays when we’re detoxing from all the butter, sugar, and cream!

These drink recipes check all the right boxes: warm, healthy, and good tasting. Most are packed with antioxidants and call for little to no added sugar. They’re great any time of day, too, so grab a mug and prepare for a healthy dose of soothing relaxation.

1. Hot Cocoa

2. Spiced Apple Cider

Because apples are naturally sweet, there’s no need to add sugar to this classic beverage. Fresh apple cider warmed on the stovetop is spiced with cinnamon sticks, cloves, and fresh orange peel. That’s it! The taste is wonderful and the aroma heavenly.

3. Spiced Cider Tea

For those who want a little more out of their hot cider, give this version with tea a try. The addition of black tea ups the antioxidants and takes the edge off the natural sweetness. It’s also a bit lower in calories – bonus!

4. Fizzy Cranberry Mocktail

Okay, this one is not a hot drink, but I felt compelled to include it, especially for anyone looking for a non-alcoholic cocktail. It’s so easy and it’s something you can drink a lot of and not feel guilty. Just add ice to a glass, fill it half full with light cranberry juice, then top it off with seltzer water. Add a twist of lime, stir, garnish as desired, and voila!

5. Ginger Tea

6. Chai Tea Latte

Popular at coffee shops all over the country, chai tea lattes are made with spicy chai tea, then sweetened, and topped with frothy milk. While those taste amazing, they tend to be loaded with sugar and calories, ranking them pretty low on the good-for-you scale. This recipe is much healthier than what is served at your local Starbucks, and equally delicious.

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